Free VPS Provider - Post4VPS

Amresh Prasad Sinha
2 min readDec 6, 2020


Post4VPS Main Page

Sadly the forum is going to shut down as they found a vulnerable exploit bug in their forum software.

More Details:

It’s been a while I posted any tutorial or anything else. Sorry for that!

Okay so lets begin!

What is Post2Host?

In simple words Post2Host is typically a forum (community) where you contribute for good and in exchange you get a service like hosting or a free VPS.

Ofcourse on first sound you may think like: Free VPS wthf!!?? Really!?

And at the same time those of you who have tried it will say that its legit and its a great way to contribute and get rewards for legit contributing.

>> I have myself used free vpses which I got from one of the Post2Host which I have mentioned below :)

Who Provides Post2Host?

There are plenty of post2host communities which you can see from google but which I personally recommend is Post4VPS.



Post4VPS has a lots of members and is a friendly community with experienced as well as new people who are new to VPS tech.

I am myself a member there from 2018.

They are too much supportive and not only you can ask any questions related to tech but you can talk about general aspects too!

Its the only Community which helps me regarding any tech help or free vps.

I am not promoting but writing a review (Honest One!) :)

This community helps a lot more than the actual Company can help.

You will find many developers, SEO Specialists, Company Owners, etc Experienced people there :)


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Check out now!

See ya till next post!

