Easy installation of rTorrent+ruTorrent on ubuntu

Amresh Prasad Sinha
5 min readJul 16, 2020


This tutorial is going to guide the viewer to install a seedbox on ubuntu 16.04. The scripts which will be installed in this tutorial is rtorrent+rutorrent.

The script which we are going to use here is rtinst!

I have seen many user hassling over this sript as it changes ssh port and the user abruptly gets disconnected in between the installation.

So, I will tell you this too that how to install that script without getting your ssh port changed from default 22.

Getting Started

The Script which is used here for installation of rtorrent+rutorrent is rtinst and its repo can be found on github here: rtinst


»Ubuntu Server with Root Access(16, 17, 18, 19) [20 Not Tested!]
»Any SSH client (Putty recommended!) [If you are a Mac or Linux user then no need as you can then login through your terminal]

If we need any other requirements then it will be mentioned in the procedure steps :)

Note: Wherever you see a code to type then type the command which is after “~APS_MAC->$” or “$”

Let’s Start

Step-1: Login To your Server

Log in on a Mac or Linux

~APS_MAC->$ ssh root@IPaddress

Replace root with your server username and IPaddress with your server IP (ipv4)

Log In through Putty on Windows (Download latest release from Putty)

Enter your IP Address in the required field and your Username and then fire it up!
It will ask for your User Password of the server.
Type it and Press Enter!
Voila! You Just logged into your Server!

Step-2: Switch to sudo

This is required as the script we are going to install requires sudo access. You can skip this script and then can install the script with sudo command before it. But to make it short and simple I recommend switching to sudo at starting!

$ sudo -i

Step-3: Update your server packages

Before installing the script let’s update our server system so that no dependency error occur at the time of installation and the installation goes smooth.

$ sudo apt update

Then Install the update packages by Typing:

$ sudo apt upgrade

Now let’s move forward to step-4 from which the main installation will get started!

Step-4: Installing the script

Before moving forward let’s get ourselves clear with the script. It’s a pure Shell Script bundled to install rtorrent with rutorrent GUI!
The rtinst script installs and configures (which we are going to install here):

vsftpd (ftp server)
NGINX (web server)
autodl-irssi (It’s a plugin for irssi that monitors IRC announce channels and downloads torrent files based on user-defined filters
Webmin (Optional but recommended!)

Okay So Now as we are cleared with the script, so, we can move forward to installation!

First, Start with fetching the latest build of rtinst by typing the following command:

$ sudo bash -c "$(wget --no-check-certificate -qO - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arakasi72/rtinst/master/rtsetup)"

If you are running a very minimal server where wget command is not found error is showing then install wget by “apt install wget” command and then run the above command.

Now before installing rtinst we should get clear that this script changes the ssh port by default when its started as to avoid any security problems!

So, to avoid the port change we are going to install rtinst with a -t or — ssh-default at the end and then proceed! It will look like:

$ sudo rtinst -l -w YOUR_RUTORRENT_PASSWORD -d -t

Change YOUR_RUTORRENT_PASSWORD with your password!

You Maybe thinking what these –log, –webpass, etc means…

-d, –dload : Enable http download of content
-l, –log : Enables logging to ~/rtinst.log
-t, –ssh-default : As explained above it will tell rtinst to keep the ssh port to default port 22
-r, –rutorrent-stable : Installs ‘stable’ rutorrent as opposed to the latest master build, this is default setting, from rtinst v1.4
-m, –rutorrent-master : Installs the latest master build of rutorrent as opposed to latest ‘stable’ release, this is the default setting prior to rtinst v1.4, and this option is only available from v1.4
-y, –force-yes : Will automatically accept the IP address as detected, will automatically skip rtorrent/libtorrent install if an existing installation is detected, and will generate a random password for rutorrent, unless -w, –webpass is also used to specify a web password.
-u, –user : names the user to be primary rtorrent user, can be an existing user or script will create a new user, for example if the user name is sally then the option would be ‘-u sally’
-p, –password : Sets the unix password, this only applies if a new user is created. It will not change the password of an existing user.
-w, –webpass : Sets the web password for the user. This is the password used by rutorrent, and is not the same as the unix account password

Further installation techniques can be found here: rtinst

As soon as you start running the script by above command it will ask you several things which you should answer according to your server and your own needs!

At the End rtinst will give you the information of the installation like ftp port (Due to security reasons it assigns a random port), the address of rutorrent WebGUI, the HTTPS download location, etc!

Don’t Forget to note all these things at a safe and secure place!

Step-5 Installing WebMin (Optional)

Why I recommend it is due to the fact that it allows you to access your server files with a file manager where you can upload, rename, download and do anything with the server files….. This enables you to see the server files without accessing it through FTP or SFTP!

$ sudo rtwebmin

Step- 6 Rebooting the system

Now If everything went good then we can reboot our server by the following command:

$ sudo reboot

That’s All!

We Just Installed a seedbox! Now we can access it after the reboot by the address we just got in the above command result of rtinst installation in STEP 4!

Ohh Wait! Did you heard of any new update of rtorrent!? Yes?

Then Install it with this command:

$ sudo rtupdate

Ohh Rutorrent too !?

Then Install it with this command:

$ sudo rtupgrade

Have Any Doubt? Or Want to show your installation results? Then Feel Free to comment below! ;)



Amresh Prasad Sinha
Amresh Prasad Sinha

Written by Amresh Prasad Sinha

Loves building WebApps | Sophomore IITG

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